At Onpetscare, we value and respect your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information when you use our services or visit our website. By accessing or using our services, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect:

1.1 Personal Information:

We may collect personal information from you when you interact with us, such as when you register an account, make a purchase, request services, or contact our customer support. The types of personal information we may collect include:

Full name

Email address

Phone number

Mailing address

Payment information (credit card details, billing address)

Pet information (breed, age, medical history)

1.2 Non-Personal Information:

We may also collect non-personal information about your interaction with our website and services. This may include:

Log files: Information about your browser, internet service provider, IP address, operating system, and pages visited.

Cookies: Small files stored on your device that enable certain features and functionality. You can adjust your browser settings to refuse cookies or notify you when they are being used.

Use of Information:

2.1 Personal Information:

We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

To provide and personalize our services, including pet care recommendations and reminders.

To process and fulfill your orders, subscriptions, or requests for services.

To communicate with you, respond to inquiries, and provide customer support.

To send you promotional offers, newsletters, and updates with your consent.

To improve our services, website, and user experience.

To detect and prevent fraud, security breaches, or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities.

2.2 Non-Personal Information:

Non-personal information may be used for statistical analysis, troubleshooting, and enhancing our services. This information helps us understand user preferences, trends, and improve our website’s functionality.

Sharing and Disclosure:

3.1 Third-Party Service Providers:

We may engage trusted third-party service providers to assist us in delivering our services, such as payment processors, delivery companies, and marketing partners. These service providers are bound by confidentiality agreements and are only authorized to use your personal information to the extent necessary to perform their services for us.

3.2 Legal Requirements:

We may disclose your personal information if required by law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request. We may also disclose information to enforce our policies, protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, or those of others.

3.3 Business Transfers:

In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your personal information may be transferred as part of the transaction. We will notify you via email or prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information.

Data Security:

We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or alteration. However, please note that no method of transmission or storage over the internet is 100% secure. While we strive to protect your information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Children’s Privacy:

Our services are not intended for individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If you believe we have inadvertently collected information from a child, please contact us, and we will take steps to remove that information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be effective when posted on our website. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any updates.