puppy training

7 Puppy Training Tips | Know What to Teach Puppies, and When

You’ve decided to become a puppy parent, then? Best wishes! Bringing a furry friend into your house is an exciting journey that will involve lots of cuddles, wet noses, and wagging tails. But along with all the cuteness comes the responsibility of puppy training your new furry friend.

Puppy training is like laying the foundation for a well-behaved and happy dog. It’s all about teaching your little pup the dos and don’ts of living in a human world. From basic commands like sit and stay to crucial life skills like potty training and socialization, puppy training covers a wide range of essential lessons.

Why puppy training is necessary

In addition to keeping your puppy from misbehaving, training them helps to improve the link between you and their pet. For you and your pet to have a well-mannered and peaceful connection, puppy training is essential. It creates positive habits, stops bad habits, and makes your relationship stronger.

Effective training sets the groundwork for a happy and well-adjusted dog.

Fosters a Well-Behaved Companion
Prevents Undesirable Behaviors
Strengthens Bond Between Owner and Dog
Sets Groundwork for a Happy and Well-Adjusted Dog

Puppy Training Schedule by Age

Age is just a number, especially when it comes to puppies! Here’s a handy puppy training schedule to guide you through the different stages of your pup’s development:

AgeTraining Focus
8-10 weeksSocialization, Name Recognition, Potty Training
10-12 weeksBasic Commands (Sit, Stay, Come), Crate Training
12-16 weeksLeash Training, Bite Inhibition, Handling and Grooming
4-6 monthsAdvanced Commands (Down, Heel), Continued Socialization
6-12 monthsObedience Training, Distraction Training, Boundary Training

How To Toilet Train Your Puppy

Ah, the dreaded Potty training phase! But fear not, with a little patience and consistency, you can toilet train your puppy in no time. Here are some tips to help you navigate this messy situation:

  • Establish a routine: Particularly after meals and sleeps, take your puppy outside on a regular basis. 
  • Apply Positive Reinforcement: When your puppy poop outside, give them a treat and praise.
  • Exercise Vigilant Supervision: If your puppy exhibits any indications that they need to go outside, watch over them while they’re indoors. 
  • Clean Accidents Promptly: Use an enzyme-based cleaner to remove any accidents and discourage repeat incidents.
  • Be Patient: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a potty-trained puppy. Stay consistent and patient throughout the process.

Puppy Training at Home is Possible

Who says you need to enroll your puppy in fancy obedience classes to train them? With the right approach, you can effectively train your puppy at home. Here’s how:

  • Get Started Early: As soon as you bring your puppy home, start training them.
    Apply Positive Reinforcement: Give sweets, compliments, and affection to those who behave well.
    • Be Consistent: Adhere to a regular training program and apply rules uniformly.
    Keep Training Sessions limited and Sweet: Due to their limited attention spans, puppies should have fun, short training sessions.
    Seek Professional Assistance if Needed: Don’t be afraid to ask a professional trainer for advice if you’re having trouble with training.

7 Puppy Training Tips

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting adventure, brimming with love and laughter. However, amidst all the cuddles and playtime, lies the crucial responsibility of puppy training. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of puppy training, from the importance of starting early to invaluable tips for success. 

1. Start Early

The adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” holds some truth when it comes to puppy training. Starting early lays the groundwork for a well-behaved dog. Puppies eagerly absorb knowledge about the world around them, much like tiny sponges. You’re putting your pet in a successful position if you start training them as soon as you bring them home.

Early training allows you to instill good habits from the get-go, making it easier to prevent undesirable behaviors before they become ingrained. Remember, it’s much simpler to teach a puppy what to do than to un-train bad habits later on.

2. Be Patient

Patience is not just a virtue; it’s a necessity in puppy training. While puppies are incredibly intelligent and eager to learn, they also have their own pace of development. Just like human babies, they need time to process and understand the lessons you’re teaching them. 

It’s essential to approach training with a patient and understanding mindset, realizing that each puppy is unique and will progress at their own speed.. A well-trained dog is not something that is built in a day, just like Rome. Thus, inhale deeply, welcome the adventure, and acknowledge each little accomplishment along the road. 

3. Make Use of Encouragement

Effective puppy training is based on positive reinforcement. It all comes down to highlighting the desired actions that are rewarded. Give your puppy lots of love, attention, and praise when they behave well or obey a command. In addition to encouraging your dog to repeat those actions, positive reinforcement fortifies your relationship with them. 

By focusing on what your puppy does right, rather than punishing mistakes, you create a positive learning environment that encourages cooperation and enthusiasm.

4. Stay Consistent

Consistency is key in puppy training. Dogs thrive on routine and predictability, so it’s crucial to establish clear expectations and stick to them. Whether enforcing house rules, practicing commands, or setting boundaries, consistency sends a clear message to your furry friends about what is expected of them. 

Avoid sending mixed signals by maintaining a consistent approach to training across all family members and environments. Remember, your puppy is constantly learning from their interactions with you, so consistency breeds clarity and understanding.

5. Socialize, Socialize, Socialize

Raising a dog that is confident and well-adjusted requires early socialization. Puppies are like sponges during their early weeks and months; they eagerly absorb experiences and form opinions about the world around them. Your puppy will grow into a well-rounded and gregarious companion if you expose them to a range of people, animals, sounds, and settings.
Additionally, socialization lessens the chance of behavioral problems like fear and violence in later life. To ensure that your puppy grows up to be a happy, self-assured, and gregarious dog, prioritize exposing them to new experiences in a positive and controlled manner.

6. Keep Training Sessions Fun

Training should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for both you and your puppy. Keep sessions short, upbeat, and filled with plenty of positive reinforcement. Use toys, treats, and praise to keep your pup engaged and motivated. Incorporate games and interactive activities that challenge your puppy both mentally and physically. 

Remember, a tired puppy is a well-behaved puppy, so be sure to provide plenty of opportunities for play and exercise throughout the day. By making training sessions fun and exciting, you’ll foster a strong bond with your furry friend and lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning and adventure together.

7. Don’t Forget the Basics

Amidst the excitement of teaching your puppy advanced tricks, it’s essential not to overlook the fundamentals. Basic commands like sit, stay, and come are the building blocks of obedience and form the backbone of good manners. These commands not only make everyday life with your dog more manageable but also ensure their safety in various situations. 

So, while it’s tempting to focus on flashy tricks and impressive feats, don’t underestimate the importance of mastering the basics. Consistent practice and reinforcement of these foundational commands will set your puppy up for success in all aspects of their training journey.


As we come to the end of our journey through the world of puppy training, it’s important to reflect on the invaluable lessons we’ve learned. We’ve uncovered the secrets to realizing your puppy’s full potential, from the importance of beginning early to the effectiveness of patience, positive reinforcement, and consistency. By prioritizing socialization, keeping training sessions fun, and never forgetting the basics, you’re setting your furry friend up for a lifetime of happiness and harmony. 

Remember, the journey of puppy parenthood is not without its challenges, but with dedication, love, and a sprinkle of treats, you and your canine companion can conquer anything that comes your way.


What is the hardest dog to potty train?

Breeds like Dachshunds, Beagles, and Bulldogs are often challenging due to their strong wills. However, consistent training and positive reinforcement can help any dog succeed.

How often do puppies poop?

Puppies typically poop 5 to 6 times a day, varying with age, diet, and activity. Establish a routine, taking them out after meals, naps, and playtime.

Should I sleep with my puppy?

It’s a personal choice. Sharing your bed can strengthen your bond, but ensure a designated sleeping area if you prefer not to. Consider factors like allergies and safety.

How do I calm my puppy down at night?

Establish a soothing bedtime routine with gentle play, bathroom breaks, and calming activities. Provide a cozy sleeping area and avoid stimulating activities before bedtime. Offer reassurance with gentle words and touches.

When should I begin training my dog?

As soon as you get your puppy home, begin training them. Early instruction lays the groundwork for appropriate behavior. Start at about 8 weeks of age, concentrating on socialization and fundamental commands.

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